
Importance of breakfast

Importance of breakfast
When you wake up in the morning do you think of more sleep or food? Despite the meal being regarded famously known as the most important meal of the day, there are a great number of adults who skip breakfast.
We’re here to uncover the importance of breakfast and the benefits it provides us with in our day to day lives. Without it you might not be feeling as great as you could be!
Here are a few facts on the importance of breakfast!
1.       Keeps you focused
Eating a healthy breakfast helps us feel more focused for the coming day, whether we are at work or simply getting on with our daily routines. There’s nothing worse than being constantly aware that you are hungry and counting the minutes until lunchtime. Eating food in the morning not only fuels us until lunchtime but actually gives our brains the essential energy to function and focus better on tasks throughout the day.
2.       Be happy!
The foods we eat are intrinsically linked to our moods, and whilst many of us aren’t morning people we guarantee you’ll be less grumpy if you get a good breakfast in you! This is because eating in the morning gives our bodies that essential boost to get us going and also balances blood sugars to prevent those tired and cranky feelings!
3.       Controls your appetite   
Those that are calorie-conscious could be forgiven for thinking that skipping out a meal will help them lose weight, but in fact the opposite may happen instead. If you don’t eat breakfast, you’re way more likely to end up snacking throughout the morning, which could pile up the unhealthy calories! Stay away from overly-refined snacks with added sugar, so if you do feel like snacking, Nakd Bars are just what you need!
4.       Energise yourself
It’s quite a simple equation - if you don’t eat, you won’t feel so great! Well this especially applies to your first meal of the day. The next time you wake up, think about the last time you ate – it might be anything up to ten hours so why make yourself wait longer? Our bodies need energy to function, and that energy comes from food. As soon as we start eating in the morning, we kickstart our body chemistry which gets us feeling energized and ready for the day.
Well, hopefully we have convinced a few of you to get up a little earlier and eat yourselves a lovely, healthy in the breakfast in the morning. Trust us, you’ll feel better for it!
Stuck for ideas? Why not check out our beautiful breakfasts for some healthy inspiration!

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